best private school Greenville NC | Walton AcademyWalton Academy is celebrating National Creativity Day! We believe that it is essential to a child’s education experience to be regularly exposed to different projects that stimulate creativity and celebrate individuality. At the best private school Greenville NC, we want to suggest some different ways that you can engage your child in creative activities!


Journaling is a great way to stimulate creativity in an open-ended format. Instead of assigning a prompt with a rubric, opt for an open-ended prompt that encourages your child to think critically about a hypothetical situation or a core value. Prompts can easily be found with a simple internet search. If you’d like to flex your creativity, take the challenge to not use the internet and come up with your own journal prompts for your student!

Utilizing the Visual Arts

There’s nothing quite like letting your child’s creativity roam free by giving them a blank canvas and art supplies! Giving your student the freedom to create what they want with the materials they want is a great way to practice raw creativity. Sometimes, it may be difficult or overstimulating for a child to have this freedom. To combat this, have some examples or different ideas that might help guide your child when they’re struggling on what to create. The best private school Greenville NC suggests asking them about what they enjoy spending their time doing, what their favorite animal is, favorite seasons, instruments, etc. to get them thinking! They’ll be artists in no time!

Hands-on Activities

Utilizing hands-on activities is a great way to promote creativity. What better way to learn than by doing? Implementing experiments such as making slime, growing plants, and exploring different environments in their community are impactful activities that boost interest and stimulate learning!

Walton Academy | Best Private School Greenville NC

Walton Academy values the importance of creativity. Our best private school Greenville NC uses popular and engaging activities that stimulate students to think creatively and openly. We encourage our students to develop their own likes and hobbies, and do so by supporting them each and every day with different activities and prompts that keep them engaged. Visit our website to learn how your child can flourish at Walton Academy!