Now that school is back in session at Walton Academy, private school Greenville NC, talking to your kids about internet safety should be top of mind. Kids of all ages now have access to the internet via smartphones, tablets, and other devices, with a plethora of information at their fingertips. Though this is a great source of information, kids need to be aware of the dangers of the internet and how to protect themselves from various online threats. Aside from installing a trusted antivirus on your child’s computer, be sure to discuss these basic tips with your kids to keep them as safe as possible while using the internet.
Don’t Give Out Personal Information To Anyone
Walton Academy private school in Greenville NC suggests that parents make it known to their children that they should never talk to strangers online. Make it clear that your kids should never send photos or reveal personal information to anyone online, including their name, address, phone number, or school name, as well as any friends or family member’s names or info. Giving out this information is easy access for potential predators to find your kid in real life. Make sure that your kids understand that under no circumstance should they ever meet up with someone that they have met online without your permission.
Keep Passwords Private
Another tip that Walton Academy, private school Greenville NC, suggests to keep your kids as safe as possible while online is to keep both yours and their passwords private and secure. All passwords should be unique with specials characters and numbers and kept hidden in a safe place. Always keep your privacy settings as high as possible!
Don’t Download Anything Without Permission
Your kids should never download anything without your permission onto their computers. If you are unsure if something is safe to download, contact the person who sent it to you to ask questions or contact someone who is an expert on Cyber Security. Be sure to also instruct your child to never click on pop-ups or ads. Some of these can result in malware or viruses being downloaded onto the device, which can then gather your personal data.
If Something Suspicious Happens, Always Tell An Adult
Walton Academy private school in Greenville NC recommends the importance of checking in with your children every so often to ask them about what they are working on online. They should know that they can always come to you if something suspicious happens while they are on the internet. Communication is very important when it comes to your children and their cyber safety!
Walton Academy – Private School Greenville NC
Walton Academy is a private school in Greenville, NC that firmly believes that a safe environment is the key to student success. We want you and your family to always feel safe and secure when working on the internet, without fear of online threats. Contact us today to learn more about Walton Academy!