Thinking of signing your child up for music lessons as an extracurricular activity? Learning to play an instrument can actually enhance the skills needed for education and social interaction. There are many more benefits of music education, including the following:

Academic Skills

Music and math are intertwined. Children learn how to create fractions, divide, and recognize patterns through understanding beat, rhythm, and scales. It seems as if music can help wire children’s brains to better understand other areas of math as well. As they get older, kids will start to recite songs based on their short-term memory and eventually long-term memory. Musical instrument classes even introduce basic physics; plucking guitar strings teaches children about harmonic and sympathetic vibrations.

music lessons benefits child docus pupil playing violin in classroom at elementary school walton academy

Physical Skills

Certain instruments, like percussion, can help kids develop coordination as well as motor skills because they require the movement of hands, arms, and feet. Keyboard and string instruments demand different actions from different hands, helping children become more comfortable in usually uncomfortable positions. Enhancing this coordination can also prepare them for other hobbies.

Social Skills

Taking group music classes require communication and teamwork. If one student is playing an instrument too quickly or too loudly, they will need to adjust. The group must work together to create a crescendo or accelerando. They will learn to understand their part in a larger ensemble as well as how to work with the group towards a common goal.


Learning how to play an instrument teaches kids how to persevere through hours, months, and maybe even years of practice. It also teaches delayed gratification. For example, when learning to play the violin, you must first learn how to hold the violin and the bow and where to place your feet before you ever actually play the instrument. Group music lessons will teach children how to respect their peers as students wait their turn to play individually.

If you are hesitant about introducing your child to an instrument, think about the benefits it can provide. Your child will learn good manners, such as patience, and how to work well with others.

Walton Academy

Walton Academy is a private school located in Greenville, North Carolina. We are always striving to provide a consistent, nurturing and innovative environment for our students. We understand that early childhood education plays a large role in your child’s development, so we ensure they receive a high-quality education. With small classrooms and highly qualified teachers, you can be sure your child will receive individualized instruction, character education, and social-emotional habits. Walton Academy firmly believes that an environment with minimal distractions is key to student success. To achieve an optimal learning environment and experience, we require each child to undergo our enrollment screening process. During our enrollment screening process, students are observed and assessed academically, behaviorally, and socially. Our enrollment screening ensures that our classroom environment remains focused and that each student can excel and reach their full potential. Contact us today to learn more!