While STEM is having a major moment as of late, it’s important to not neglect the arts. One of the most enjoyable art forms for young children is music, more specifically learning to play an instrument. Not only can this be a fun, safe, after-school activity for your children to partake in, but it can also actually improve their lives. Whether it’s enhancing hand-eye coordination or encouraging self-esteem, this rite-of-passage activity has plenty of benefits. From Walton Academy, one of the finest private schools Greenville NC, here are five reasons your child should learn to play an instrument.
Why Should My Child Play A Musical Instrument?
Playing a musical instrument can benefit a child in a variety of ways. From teaching responsibility to enhancing your child’s self-esteem, signing your child up for music lessons at private schools Greenville NC may be a great investment.
- Teaches responsibility
- Increases cognitive function
- Sharpens social skills
- Advocates cultural appreciation
- Enhances self-esteem
- Teaches Responsibility
At Walton Academy, one of the elite private schools Greenville NC, know that learning an instrument takes time and dedication. Your child will have to practice, not once, but consistently to see any improvement. They’ll also quickly learn that if they don’t practice, they may risk embarrassment at their next lesson or performance. Many instruments also require maintenance. In addition to tuning, reed instruments like flutes, trumpets, and clarinets all require routine cleaning to work properly. If they don’t clean these instruments thoroughly, they may also experience unpleasant smells or nasty residue build-up. Between getting to their lessons, practicing, and staying on top of instrument hygiene, learning an instrument can help your child learn responsibility and time management.
Increases Cognitive Function
According to studies, having your child study an instrument can also increase cognitive functions like memory and hand-eye coordination. While sports usually take the gold when it comes to learning the latter, playing an instrument can also help improve this brain function. Nearly all musical instruments require using two hands at once and this is on top of reading music! As your child gets older, they’ll take on more classes in school which will result in more homework. They’ll need to be able to juggle all these subjects at once, which may lead to frustration and feelings of failure if they can’t keep up. At Walton Academy, one of the leading private schools Greenville NC, we believe music lessons may help them prepare for this change of pace. Learning an instrument may even score their entry into a great college as many colleges provide scholarships specifically for skilled young musicians.
Sharpens Social Skills
Music lessons require communication skills. Your child will need to be able to listen to their teacher and communicate when they feel they don’t understand a piece. Some music lessons can be taken in groups, where children will need to understand the concept of taking turns and communicating with their peers. In group lessons, children may be ranked by “chair.” This is a way of ranking students by their skills level, meaning “first chair” will be the student with the most skill, and “last chair” the student with the least. At Walton Academy, one of the top private schools Greenville NC, we know this can breed feelings of jealousy. However, this will be a great opportunity for your child to navigate those negative feelings and use them to make goals. If your child has a music talent, but not so much for making friends, reach out to the local music community! There may be Facebook groups where parents of music students can chat and host meet-ups for their children with like-minded interests. Who knows, your kids could be the next biggest musical act!
Advocates Cultural Appreciation
In today’s technology-driven world, the world is connected more than ever. If not in person, your child will likely come across other cultures online. At Walton Academy, one of the best private schools Greenville NC, we believe it’s important to be able to be educated about people who may seem different than us. As music is the universal language, this is a great avenue to do it with! Music has been made all over the world for eons, with each continent and country having its unique style. Each style is linked to the culture of the country it came from, with many pieces of music directly being products of the current events happening at the time. One of the best examples of this is the intersectional nature of New Orleans Jazz. Whether it’s African, Asian, or Appalachian, enrolling your child in music lessons can be an introductory course to all of the different cultures and histories of the world.
Enhances Self-Esteem
At Walton Academy, one of the top private schools Greenville NC, we know there’s nothing quite like hearing applause on opening night! Most music teachers or learning centers will hold recitals to show parents what their child is now capable of. Performance day can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially if your child is shy. Although there’s nothing wrong with being a more timid child, most children will have to endure some form of public speaking or performance throughout their life, so it’s smart to start early. Learning and then mastering a piece of music can be challenging, but hearing the applause after the blood, sweat, and tears of practice can make it all worth it. Receiving this recognition can do wonders for a child’s confidence and self-esteem.
Walton Academy | Private Schools Greenville NC
Whether your child picks up the piano, or the drums, having your child learn an instrument is an investment in their education and future. At Walton academy, one of the elite private schools Greenville NC, we understand the importance of a well-rounded education. Unlike public schools, our Greenville NC private school offers classes in traditional core subjects as well as the arts. Looking for more educational tips and tricks? Check out our other blogs! Thinking about enrolling your child in a private school? August is just around the corner, and spots are filling up. Contact us today to secure your spot!