It might already feel like summer outside, but the longest day of the year, known as the summer solstice, and the official first day of the season doesn’t happen each year until June 21st. Summer is a fantastic time for families to reconnect and unplug together. In the spirit of getting kids outside and into a summertime spirit, the experts at Walton Academy, private school Greenville NC, have put together this list of some of their favorite screen-free activities.
Have a Picnic
Celebrate the first day of summer with a picnic! Whether you are simply in your backyard, at your favorite park or by the pool, enjoying a summery meal outside together is a wonderful way to kick off the season. Bring along toys, bikes, or swim suits to make a day out of it!
Set up a Lemonade Stand
Nothing screams summertime more than a homemade lemonade stand on the side of the road! Not only will this activity teach children a work ethic, but also how to have fun while earning a bit of money. Gather some friends and start squeezing!
Fly a Kite
Not only can regular kite flying turn into an all-day crafting event if you decide to make your own kites, but it can be a great learning experience for kids to dive into the world of science or history learning about Benjamin Franklin or weather. The Walton Academy private school Greenville NC staff are always fans of a fun opportunity to learn!
Build a Sundial
A sundial enables you to tell time by the positioning of the sun. Teach your kids how to tell time with a sundial by building one together on the longest day of the year. Making a sundial is easy and a fun DIY craft project that will keep your kids tuned in to the sun all year long.
Build a Bonfire and Camp Out
Kick off summer with a night under the stars. Go camping at a campsite, state park or even your backyard. Do traditional fun camping things like grilling hot dogs, going on a nature walk, stay up late building a campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories! Once the sun sets, say goodbye to the longest day of the year by chasing fireflies or watching for shooting stars.
Regardless of how you decide to spend your first day of summer with your kids, the season is long and there is plenty of daylight to get all of these activities in before school starts back up in the fall! Walton Academy private school Greenville NC suggests unplugging this summer to ensure quality family time together.
Walton Academy | Private School Greenville NC
There are certainly mental, physical, and developmental benefits to being involved in your child’s learning progress and extracurricular activities. Walton Academy, the best private school Greenville NC encourages you to provide your child with the tools to make learning fun and engaging. Practice the tips mentioned above to help balance, manage, and extend your child’s love for learning!